Extending your mark
I alone cannot change the world,
but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.
Mother Teresa
Ever wanted to make a difference, leave a mark on this big beautiful world we live in yet, constantly feel like whatever you do is just a tiny drop in the bucket?
You’re not alone.
If you feel small and anonymous, there's a good reason for it. Along with 7.5 billion other people on this planet, you're just one person swimming in a vast sea of humanity. So what can you possibly add or do to make a difference, right?
Wrong and here’s why.
Let me tell you this little story that I once heard and it’s forever stuck with me...
There was a little boy standing on the seashore, picking up starfish one by one and tossing them back into the sea. A man walked up to him and asked, “Do you really think you are going to be able to throw all of those starfish back in the water?” The little boy paused, looked at the starfish in his hand, and tossed it back out into the ocean and answered, “well it just made a world of difference to that one single starfish.”
There is no way that we can help everybody, BUT you might make all of the difference in the world to the one and isn’t that worth it?
That’s why it’s been important to me from the very beginning to incorporate a way to come together and extend our mark; beyond being kind to ourselves, further than gifting to each other, wider than our own little communities.
This is our turn, your turn to do just that.
Tell Alexa, to throw on a little “I was here” by Lady A, and then select one of our four chosen charities below and we will make a £1 donation in your honor.
We’ll also keep you updated on the impact that is made throughout the year.
Together, ripple by ripple, imagine the difference that we can make to the world around us.
So, thank you for your purchase and most importantly, thank you for the mark that you’re making on our world.

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

In short, Cystic Fibrosis is a life threatening genetic disease. Tara Illingworth has lived with the reality all of her life and has never known life any differently, until recently. Tara has started a new treatment, the first of its kind, that doesn’t just treat the symptoms of CF, but tackles the underlying “root” cause of this disease. It’s quite simply, life changing.
But, the fight isn’t over, because there are varying CF genotypes not everyone qualifies for this new drug. Our mission is to fight until everyone with CF has access to this medication and we won’t stop donating and advocating until they do.
Hope for justice

It’s unimaginable and gut wrenching that we live still live in a world where human slavery and child trafficking still exist. Sadly we do.
Thankfully there are organisations like Hope for Justice who are fighting every day to put an end to this devastating reality.
There are so many stories of rescue and restoration thanks to the work of HFJ, but the fight isn’t over until there are no more stories to be had.
Make a wish foundation

No child should have to live with a life shortening reality, sadly some do.
The Make a Wish Foundation exists to provide a rainbow amidst a raging storm that some families and children have to live through. Whatever the terminally ill child can dream up and look forward to, the Make A Wish Foundation tries to make it come true.
From Disney trips to meeting their favourite celebrity or hero, Make a Wish are granting wishes to children everyday.
Although, unfortunately, they can’t take away the diagnosis, they are adding smiles back into the lives of these children and their families.

It goes without saying that mental health is taking its toll across society.
It’s likely that if you haven’t suffered with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues personally, then you likely know of someone who has.
Mind’s mission is to provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Mind campaigns to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.