Do you feel it in the air yet? Maybe you’re one of those lucky ones experiencing a nice reprieve from the summer of heat and welcoming in a slight autumnal breeze in the air? I’m just here pondering how in the world we are halfway through the year and knocking on the doors of fall. I’m certainly not complaining because this is one of my favorite times of the year, but I would be okay if the months decided to slow down just a smidge.
One thing that’s not up for debate is the fact that, whether we’re ready or not, the calendar brings us a new season. For some this is an exciting time of turning a new page, expectant of what's to come, ready to embark on a new adventure. For others this turn in our year can bring on anxiety and stress, perhaps there’s deadlines that need to be met before the years’ end or maybe a certain time of year brings back memories of a passing relative or a tragic event that they’d rather not face, yet again. I’m with you there too. I’d actually probably plot myself somewhere in the middle.
As school shopping begins here in the UK and the pumpkin craze starts (basic, but I’m here for it!), it seems like the opportune time for a little encouragement and gentle reminder.
Go easy on yourself. Absolutely plan, but also make your life easier and not harder. I read this excerpt below from Jen Hatmaker and I thought maybe someone else needed to hear it too.

Got it!? Your family will thank you, too. I feel the pressure just like you to make it all so memorable, rewarding and Pinterest perfect, but we’ve also got to remember the reality of it all. It might do us some good to step into the shoes of our little people for a hot second and realize that this changing season is huge for them.
In regards to changing seasons, whatever end of the spectrum you find yourself on, it’s important to remember that a season is just that, a season – blimp in time. It doesn’t last forever and it doesn’t hang around, we’ll blink and snow will start to fall, we’ll start to find routine and springtime blooms will start to blossom. That’s why it’s ever so important to make the most of it. Stepping into a new season can be much like stepping into a new opportunity. The possibilities are endless and who knows where the next step could lead you.